Sunday, January 6, 2008

Maid in Japan

So I originally drafted this a few months ago for Kansai Scene, an Osaka-based travel and culture mag, and it's finally made its way to print. It's a one-pager on "Maid Cafes" in Japan, aka, seedy establishments where the questionably young waitresses prance around in French maid outfits that are about three sizes too small for them. Creeped out or intrigued? Give the piece a read, either way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Creeped out def

Actually a similar article came out in the Times (the Straits Times that is not the NY one... but i like to think that they are the Asian version of it.) Yeah one of the writers went to Tokyo near some electronics center and there were a bunch around. I see that it has spread... I think its disturbing. I mean don't get me wrong i think girls in kinky outfits are hot. But i think the Japanese like it because they make the girls look young. That is wrong. Is that the case? Remember my spiel about the Japanese in class after i sent to the Sex Museum with Jenny? Very disturbing stuff from them.